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So here we are. It is nearly 20 years since The Blair Witch Project came out and there is a large amount of buzz for a sequel. It's hard to name just one reason for this and it may vary from person to person. Lets look at a couple reasons though. First people that were old enough to see the original film in theaters have very fond memories of it. The Blair Witch Project was a game changer when it came out. The marketing for the film was the first of it's kind. They made it feel real by making it the first mainstream found footage film. People left the theater wanting to know more. People felt like what they saw really happened. That movie completely changed the horror genre. Studios focused on making many "found footage" horror films after The Blair Witch Project became a huge hit. The problem became fans knew that it wasn't real after some time with The Blair Witch Project which started to make that form of movies die off. Here we are nearly 20 years later with Blair Witch creating that same sort of buzz. They are going back to the found footage style of the original in hopes of not only breathing new life into it but by also completely changing what we already know about it. I think the idea of that not only excites old fans of the series but new fans as well. Are you excited for the film?
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